Pajama Day, The REAL One

Adi and Pappy have Pajama Day every Friday.  Levi, Jase,  Avery, Ava, and I join in too.  But this week we had a REAL Preschool Pajama Day.  Everyone was to bring a snuggly and wear their pj's.

We worked in the Centers and at the table really hard so we could do something extra specail.

We shared about our snuggles.

Then we went every quietly upstairs, where we NEVER go, and got into our big bed to watch a short video about Artic animals to go along with everything we had worked on all morning.

It was nice and warm and so comfy.  Some were starting to nod off.

But really cute snowman cookies brought them right out of it.

And as soon as our little guys worked up from their naps we bundled up and went outside to play.


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