COVID You Can't Stop Us


I woke up to this.  I was so hoping for some snow, just a little would have made me so happy.

But then Cassie text to tell me that I needed to be at home between 12 and 2.  Where else would I be?  This was delivered for our annual taste testing competition.

But before that we had a little New Year's food.  Best part about it is the everyone was making a dish.  Michael put his spin on ham and cheese sliders.  Mark made chili.  I baked bread and made a cheeseball.  And thank heavens we had Jeremy's leftover meatballs!

So here we go...Zoom New Year's with Cassie and her crew.

Pappy was cheating as usual.

And the winners are...

It was great fun until around 2;30 when my stomach started to rumble and bile came from nowhere.  Gross!


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