Two Short Trails With Mark

 Mark hasn't been able to hike since July.  He jacked up his knee jumping into shallow water from a pontoon boat.  Then to make matters worse he tripped over the hose while mowing and twisted his knee pretty bad.  So several appointments, pain meds, and two different braces...this is where we are...not moving too fast and being very cautious.  

Yesterday he thought he might try a little hike at the Nature Center.  

If Google Photos is right this is a Cosmos a white Polypor.

Same one at a different angle.  I took an iPhone class to see if I could take better pics.

The Butterfly Trail...AKA...The Upland Trail...had a few more little humps for Mark to try to navigate.

We thought we should probably be on the Flat Trail...which is really the Mashburn Family Discovery Trail.

I love this trail because it has lots of info to read and plenty of hands-on activities.  Now I know where there is another pawpaw patch and who likes to eat it.  So now I will be on the lookout for not only Monarch caterpillars but Zebra Swallowtail as well.

We were happy with the one fell, we saw an only friend from scouts. and Mark got to try a new app on his phone.  I'm sure you will be seeing it in the near future.

The total ground covered in the hike a whopping 1.30 miles in 35.54 minutes.

So far 2.02 miles into my 2, 192.2 miles of the AT.

If it stops raining tonight the dogs and I might walk around the neighborhood.


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