The Lookout Trail

 Yesterday's hike was our practice hike or what we are calling Boy We Sure Are Out Of Shape Hike.  Today we headed back to the trail.  

We both do not like our pictures taken but we took one for the team.

We ended up hiking 2.77 miles.  Next hike I am going to try to figure out how fast we hike...don't get excited we stop to look at things, adjust bootstraps, laugh, and check out the we are by no means fast.  They say Hike Your Own Hike and do we ever!

Today our pace wasn't too fast because lots of the trail was muddy.

I look like a dork with my poles but ever since I broke my shoulder hiking they have become my sense of security.  And Michael says that I must lose the bear bell.

Not a lot to look at today but I did manage to find a little color.

These are the strangest seed pods.  Really pretty even if they are all used up.

I have a goal for this year.  I want to see home many miles I can hike in a year.  I am hoping to come close to hiking the length of the AT (2,192.2 miles).  Michael says I will never do it.  But you never know.  I got a really cool Garmin that keeps track of all my steps so they might add up.  I know that once school starts and the kids are back it will be a challenge to hike in the evenings but I am going to give it my best shot even if I have to do night walks around the neighborhood.  On days that the weather is too bad, we have decided that we will work on our cardio...doing the steps baby!


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