This duck! He is such a celebrity around the pond.  We had been hearing about him from friends and then his picture was all over our Facebook pages.  I had to see for myself.  So I thought sure, he's a duck.  I'll go see if he is as pretty and unusual as they say he is.

Sone about the second Saturday of December we made our way to the pond.  It wasn't far.  OH, MY WORD!  There were about 30 standing in the cold and blustery wind taking pictures of this duck.  The story has it that he is an unusual duck.  He is a Mandarin duck.  The story has it that someone had 15 eggs and they hatched and they let them go as soon as they were able.  He is the only that has made his way back home.  
We think he is staying around because he has fallen for one of the mallards.

Last night after our hike we headed back to the pond with my big girl camera.  This time because it was 34 degrees with a wind chill of the high twenties there were only three other crazies there.

He was strutting his stuff that's for sure.

I'd love to go back and just sit for about an hour and try to get a really good shot but if the rainy cold weather doesn't change a bit I don't see that happening.


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