Well, guess what we found under the sink on Christmas Eve...a leak that evidently had been leaking for some time.  We found it about midnight.  

Now what?...I have to cook!  Not to worry Mark was on it.  He text our kitchen crew and they were here the next morning at 8:30 AM and got it fixed in record time.  Seems that the screws on the garbage disposal had loosened and maybe there was talk about Plumbers Putty.

They are the best!  While there were here we talked about asking the cabinet maker if he could make some pull-outs for the food pantry...which we should have done in the first place.  They even patched a few settling places around the molding.  I'm telling you they are the best guys ever.  Today they are my heroes!

So cooking went on without a hitch.  We are all stuffed and ready to hit it again in a few hours.  Just roll me out the door!


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