Michael's First Welding Project

 I am just a smidge proud of Michael.  This is his first project for school.  I think he did a great job and Sarah is the recipient and she is going to be over the moon excited about it.  I'm hoping that someday he will be able to make me one.  The first one was trial and error.  But to me, it looks perfect!

The class got to chose their project from a packet.  Michael chose the reindeer.  And he knew just who got his first piece.  He had to do the entire thing on his own...measuring, cutting, grinding, polishing, welding...

Here she is before she got shined up.  I like the rusty look.

We decided that she should be called Olive.  Sarah got the book for Christmas one year..Olive, The Other Reindeer.  She even got the ornament.

I had everyone I know looking for small battery-operated small Christmas light necklaces.  Tammi Naylor is the big winner of the hunt.  Thanks, Tammi.

I can hardly wait for Sarah to squeal!


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