I'm Sad But Not Sad


The dogs play inside and outside really hard.  They all go 100 miles an hour. 

So this is the sad/not sad story.  I was doing something at the kitchen sink when I see the dogs huddled around something.  I thought it was a toy and they were playing  Steal The Bacon.  Then all of a sudden this thing still on the ground jumped up and ran as fast as it could to the dirt pile.  I ran on sock feet out to the dirt pile while screaming for them to leave it alone.  By the time I got to them they had chased him out into the middle of the yard where I found him not moving.  I quickly grabbed him and ran to the garage.  I didn't know what I was going to do if all of a sudden he looked at me and jumped out of my hand, but he didn't...deader than a doornail.

It amazes me that a creature so cute and small has been able to destroy our front yard!


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