Ellis The Freshman

 Now that CC season is over Ellis has decided to try his hand at swimming.  He has never been on a swim team ever,

When did he get so tall!

A little backstory as I heard it.

Due to a few swimmers being out for quarantine the morning of the meet Ellis was thrown into swimming on a team with seniors.  You know they have been around awhile swimming.   They know what they are doing.  Ellis has no clue

During warm-ups, the coach helped Ellis learn the turn that you use when you are swimming the backstroke and the proper way to start a race.

And so he is off in the second meet of the season as a freshman swimming with the seniors on varsity.  Holy Moly!

The award...The Dub.  The coach is about to give it to one of the seniors when that senior stops and says the award should go to Ellis for all the above reasons.  I think you could say that he is walking around on cloud nine!

The next day this is how he goes to class...to do any sport at the high school you have to take at least one class at the high school.  Ellis and Alaire are homeschooled so he's never been 'in school'.  He chose weightlifting as his one and only class.  There was an away meet this night.  You must wear dress clothes (which he didn't have).  So this is how he showed up for weightlifting. 

We got to watch the meet via a YouTube stream.  

Oh my, how times have changed!


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