A Different Kind Of Christmas Eve


I'll take it!  Little white flakes make me so happy.  Lots of little white flakes push me into the crazy zone.

We celebrated Christmas Eve on line with our friends at Eastside.  Just not the same but you make lemonade out of lemons.  Some hot tea and peanutbutter chocolate fudge seemed to help.

First candlelight service EVER not in a church building.  But it didn't matter the feeling was still there and I still cried thinking about all the people God has put in my life.  Some are gone now and at this time of year I seem to miss them most.  But then I realize that I am surrounded by so many amazing people and we are making more precious memories.

And this...that Michael is such the stinker or liar to be exact.  He made Sarah the Olive reindeer and he told me that he wanted to make me one but he couldn't get it finished.  Low and behold I have an awesome, customer made tall reindeer.  We haven't come up with a name yet but we will.  I love her more than you will ever know.  This ranks right up there with the red bike my parents got me when I was in college.  And yes I rode it to Marshall and back daily until the weather got bad.  I loved it too!


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