Pumpkin Fairies

We tried to grow our own pumpkins so the yahoos could each have a pumpkin.  We got a lame total of three.  Plan B was suggested to buy a little pumpkin for each one and put them in the patch.  So I was going with Plan B.  Little did I know that Murph already had a plan in progress since August.

Around dinner time on Thurs, the day before our Come Visit Our Classroom/Open House I saw the dogs get excited because someone was coming through the gate.  I could tell by the way they were acting it was Murph.  Murph along with Tony (Connor's dad) and Steve (the LFL maker) started carrying in signs, straw, scarecrows, pumpkins, mums...everything for the Pumpkin Patch.  I was blown away! So many tears I couldn't talk. I honestly can not find the words to tell you how big these hearts are!  We are so very very VERY blessed to have around us such an amazing village.  There are lots more pictures and videos to share but for some strange reason my computer is downloading about 3000 pics to the cloud and it is taking forever.  I wish I understood technology.

In less than 30 minutes these wonderful friends transformed our little lame patch into a patch worthy of a Country Living Magazine cover.

I'm loving it!  Mark and I were instructed to get out chairs and sit down and watch.

Murph asked our friend Barb (the CoMOOnity Garden sign maker) to make the sign.  I love it!! It is better than perfect.

The finished product from the side.

It turned out great!!!  Better than the one in my head.

We couldn't wait to see the looks on the yahoo's faces when they would see it the next morning. 
(Murph came over and got pics and videos but again having technical difficulties.)


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