We Now Have A Rock Quarry

 Or a Rock Box, we haven't decided on a name yet.  All I know is they ae having a blast.  The rules haven't sunk in yet...not eating rocks, no rocks in your pockets, throwing is not a good choice, the dogs love to eat plastic so make sure you put the differs and buckets under the brown milk crate.

The man is possessed.  I asked if we could build one and Murph jumped right on it.  He is so fast.  He had it all cut out and laid out in the backyard in the shade before ai could even get outside to help.

Perfect spot!

And then there is the question of what to fill it with.  The first thought was sand but then we decided that wasn't a really good option.  So pea gravel it was.  Not that it won't be stuffed up noses, in ears, found in underwater and diapers, eaten....

Murph was the first one to get to play with all the new toys in the pit.

We had enough left over to re gravel the firepit path.  I have been wanting to do this forever!  Murph is at it again...took the broom and made sure that it looked just right.  I love it and Ollie gives it two paws up.

To celebrate we ate watermelon from the garden and...

green zebra tomatoes!


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