Practice For Wacky Wednesday

 This week has been a slow opening to Wammyville.  We have had graduates come back to visit and help...essentials being dropped off, help with the yard...vegetable picking...workers going in and out of the name it and it has been wacky for sure!  But we have managed to have tons of fun.

They are all smiles already.

We will need to remember that there are puppies that also like to play with all our things.

New this year the Mud Pit.  It was useless to try to plant flowers in it.  The dogs were the first to dig and now it is a perfect place for digging in the dirt/mud.

We came is to et cooled off and ready for lunch, naps, and 'school'.  Preschool doesn't start officially until next week but I wanted to get a feel for it beforehand.

They do miss the dress-ups!

Jase ready for his nap.  Big times this year he gets to sleep on a cot.

We needed to play with the puppies to wear them out before we could get the puzzles out.

Ollie learned a new trick.  He is now in charge of letting the water out of the pool.  He literally pulled the plug and waited for the water to drain out.  He's a nut case for sure.

Rori and Adilyn put together the alphabet puzzle.

While Marli and Ava worked on rhyming words.

Then we all got to play together.


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