We Are Doing A Little Something

It was always my dream to have my own Preschool.  Well, that dream has finally happened.  Because of COVID-19, we are opening Wammyville Preschool to the yahoos at Wammyville that would have gone to preschool this fall.  There are four in the class.  Two older girls that have been to preschool and two boys that will have their first preschool experience.

The mom's (minus one) had a meeting at church on the patio to discuss the options.  I eas a nervous wreck!  My hands were sweating and my nerves were n overload.  I had a notebook filled with ideas and lesson plans...some might have said that I was over-prepared.  We based out the details and after a few hours, my dream was in the making.

First things first...the makings of our School Room.  Believe it or not, I got rid of everything in thee.  Sarah is moving into a house so she got most of the furniture and lamps.  Mark was able to sell some things to some antique dealers.  Some things went to St. Vincent DePaul.  The old couch and chair went to Rumpke.  So I guess you could say they live on in other places and I have a (dusty) clean slate to begin with.  My mind won't stop.

We chose the paint colors for the kitchen and decided to also use them in the rest of the downstairs.

The white looks so good, so crisp and clean.  I just wonder how long it will stay white with three dogs and at least 10 kids coming in and out of the door?

Matt, the painter, is so good.  He sees things that I have missed.  I have learned a few little painting secrets from him also.

Now I have a delima...what do I put back on the walls to make it look homey?


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