Let The Adventure Begin

Alaire working on the loom.  She is attempting to make a t-shirt rug.

Imogene is such the Mom.  It really sowed on this trip.  She was protective of all of us and would herd Ollie back to us if he got a little too far away.

Ellis was our captain on the excursion.

We would anchor the pontoon then float.  I took up residence on the bank with Gladys because she was forbidden into the lake.  

She was a trooper but I now he had to be so hot.

Ollie would swim then when he got on the boat he would cover himself up with the towels trying to get dry.  He is a nut!

It is a big lake...water in two states, KY and TN.

Ellis loved being the captain.

After a swim, they would run through the woods and get so tired that they would fall asleep where they stopped.

I felt so bad for her.  It was s fun but tuff time for both of us.

You always had to make sure someone was holding Ollie.

Making lemonade out of lemons.

If you have a weak stomach don't look at this next pic.

Someone popped a few stitches and a few staples.

Sliding and jumping into the deep, deep cold water. and FYI, this old girl still has it...I jumped and so did Mark!

This is how Ollie cooled off.

Imogene the lookout.

Gladdy trying to find some comfort in the woods.

We found an awesome rock beach.

And it had frogs!

Ollie found just the right tree root to sit on.

I had a little free time so I chased butterflies.

This is how the dogs spent the evenings.

And then it happened.  I can mark it off the bucket list.  I got to go back to Star Point where I spent my summers growing up.

Every year the same families would come camp...The Greene's, the Burk's, the Allen's, the Funk's, the Cornett's...great memories and great stories to tell Ellis and Alaire!

The lodge looks different.  We stayed there once and only once.  We had to make an emergency trip back down because Sandy and crew ground our lost beagle.  We stayed in #8.  

I swear that this sign in at least 50 years old.  Yes, I cried the ugly cry.  

The office where we spent lots of time sitting on the front porch.  The dark windows on the right are where the restaurant was.  Now it is just storage.

The bathhouse hasn't changed except for the railing and

the vanity.  The stalls are the same and the same color if I remember right.

There is no more pool, no swings, no treehouse.

Oh, the stories about this bathhouse...it was a spigot that runs ice cold when you can fill up a blow-up pool because the lake is like bathwater no matter where you go.  And it makes the best backdrop for hilarious stories of fireworks going off inside.

And I know for a fact that this sign was about 8 feet wide and 10 high when we would hide behind it from the town boys.  But they always saw out feet because the sign was 6 inches off the ground.

I stayed home with Gladdy one day.  Got to have one of my favorite lunches and watch the hummingbirds.

Mark took everyone on a little tour of the lake.  Trooper Island.

Ollie is so low to the ground he got the most ticks.

And then this happened.  We had to take Gladdy to the ER Vet in Livingston.

They were so kind.  So now we have to do hydrotherapy 3-4 times a day to stimulate tissue/skin growth, have a good knock-out pill to keep her from poping andy more staples or stitches, and a spray to stimulate growth.

On the way back we took a little tour of the sites around Star Point.  CG and Lona were the owners of Star Point when we first started going.

One of the two cemeteries that are at the top of the hill.  We always tried to walk to the cemetery at night when it was dark as pitch and you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.  Never even came close to getting there.

Cordell Hull's birthplace.  It sure didn't look like that when I was a kid.

Sunset Dock is in the bottom left corner.  I think we took the boat there once and bought goldfish.

Mark helping with Gladdy.

Our watchdog.

Ellis looking for lizards.

And then Ollie helped him find geodes.

He must have gotten hot...again.

Before heading back to the dock for the last time we all made a carin.

This boy is serious.

Our last ride back to the dock.

Ollie didn't want to go home.

Great memories.  Lots of stories to tell. The food was awesome.  House was nice and cold.  Loved the back deck.  Met a new friend, Billy Dale.  Saw a snake in the water that refused to let us have the beach.  I'd go back.

These were the fasted hummingbirds I have ever seen.  And most skittish!

I tried with my phone.

I finally got out the camera and tried to capture them.  This is the best I could do.


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