Today Was A Big Day For Us

Who would have ever thought that this would be our set up for Michael's graduation? 

But I must say that this is the most relaxed graduation out of our five!  I sat in shorts and no shoes,  Mark in flip flops and shorts.  And Michael, God love his heart he did it for his mom, in a cap, gown, collared shirt, and PJ pants.

So very proud of him.  He has come so far.  Done this his own way and sometimes I really didn't understand why but it worked for him.

Proud moment for Mark to be able to be the one to deliver his (fake) diploma to him.

This never, EVER, never in a million years happens.  And there is a smile to go with it.  He never complained.  He loves his mom and dad.  He knew that today was very important to us and we wanted to have pics to document the occasion.

Not only were we celebrating his graduation but it is also our 45th Anniversary.

Who knows what the future brings for any of us.  
We all plan to live each day to the fullest and see how it plays out.
Tomorrow we are having a virtual dinner celebration through Zoom.

Thanks for all the love you all have shown Michael.  To say he has been overwhelmed with it all would be an understatement.


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