They Came To My Rescue
Well, I'm' not proud but I did a little something the other day. It had been a rough few days and it is just way to quiet around here. I had been up late sewing for way to many nights and I was missing huggin and kissin on the yahoos, changing diapers, singing Baby Shark and It's Raining Tacos, reading the same books over and over and over again, helping Pappy get snacks, asking if they had washed their hands, say ah, ah, ah, cleaning up after breakfast, lunch, and snack...I was just missing every second of it all.
This is pitiful for sure. And there is no acting here. Just raw Wammy.
So they came to my rescue! Our Wammyville peeps are the best.
They are fresh off the road from Grandma's in FL.
They have gotten tall and I love the new look on Louie.
We put this together for the dogs.
But yahoos love it too.
Social Distam]ncing Photo Bombing
Her hair has grown three inches!
Levi can't figure out why he can't go inside.
But he does like the big long chair.
Gabe looks like a little boy now instead of a baby.
They were so sweet to bring dinner.
Amanda knows I love me some good frozen Ding Dongs for breakfast with my coffee.
Thank you all for making my day. It was a great picker-upper for sure. Now I can go another 50 some days. But please feel free to come by the backyard anytime to visit. You don't even need to call because we aren't going anywhere that's for sure.
Hope you had a good Mother's day. It is quiet here too. b