Lots of Angels Out There
More deliveries keep showing up at the front door. I never know what I will see on the porch. I would love to hug each and every one of you angels for helping us get as many masks out as we possibly can. We don't know where we would be without your love, care, concern, and generosity. It is what keeps us going on so many levels.
Cards willed with appreciation and donations. We tell people that they are free but they give because they want to be able to help others.
I couldn't find and more shoestrings so bias tape came in the mail which made all of The Christ Hospital masks and then some for another health care facility.
At my door was a frozen lemonade. Which came at just the right time!
Another donation that was on the bench where the mask was.
delicious banana bread
I treasure the visits from Wammyville yahoos. They make me smile. And Easterpicturesto boot! The day could not have been better.
They just keep coming. Please know that all the donations will be paid forward in 10,000 ways!
This was the best! Yummies, but we got the biggest kick out of the toilet paper! Great one.
We literally can never have enough beans. Jeremy, did Mark ever get back to you with his bean soup recipe?
The Easter Bunny came early for me.