What Is The Word For Beyond Blessed?

There are so many things that are going to come out of this situation that we are all facing right now. We will learn a lot about ourselves and the people around us.  I can tell you that without a shadow of a doubt that we have the best Wammyville Village ever...EVER.  They say it takes a village to raise a child.  Well, I can tell you that it also takes a village to keep this Wammy and Pappy safe.  And our 'adopted' families are doing a great job.  We get texts, phone calls, FaceTime chats, drop-bys...  And then there are these times...

I put Pappy in Lock-Down AKA Quarantine last Sunday evening.  He spent Monday in the bedroom behind a closed door.  He was not allowed out except for lunch when all the yahoos were sleeping n the basement.

I am in semi-quarantine with him.  I am sleeping in the guest room so as not to give him any germs I may pick up along the way.  Our families have gone above and beyond...

Mark ordered groceries.  Jeremy picked-up and delivered.

Jon picked up meds at CVS and rescued a dog in the process.

Tony got out of his pj's and made a grocery pick-up at 9:30pm.

Today Ali, Jon, and Levi delivered dry beans!  And a Pepsi as a surprise.

And our kids call to check on us, to give us new recipes, to show us how their seedlings are growing,  to sing us silly songs, and recite poems, to recommend movies and books to show us their snow.  Emmy even drove the truck to pick up goat food.  Then she disinfected the truck.  And heard we were out of coffee and dropped some off.

I'm just saying that we have the BEST!


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