We Will Survive

I have been reading all the things that the teachers and principals are doing to keep the students engaged so I came up with a little activity for the Wammyville Yahoos...Picture Tag.

Adi has been really busy!

Levi was on it.  He does love a good marker.

Ava can make the best masterpieces with bingo markers.

Carly Rae the budding Artist.

Connor love a bunch of stickers.  He thought he was on his way outside.

 You got me, Delaney.

We had a grocery delivery from Jeremy...one of the Wammyville Village.  It sure is different being on this side of the door.  We sure appreciate all of our parents and how they take care of us all the time!

Ellis and Louie were getting ready to go outside and get some playtime in before the rains came.


And then we have this.  Pappy is already going stir-crazy so he decided that he would cut the grass and trim the hedges...IN THE RAIN!!!!  I'm shaking my head and raising my voice.

Gladys brought some toys in before the rains came.  Still haven't seen how she gets those sticks in.

Imogene must have had a rough morning.


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