St Patty's Day Fun

We had our festivities a day early this year.

I found this on the Milford OH Neighborhood Group.  I thought it was a great idea.

We got a little carried away.

Then we had an indoor scavenger hunt because it was just too chilly to go out yet.  I think we had four total hunts.  They loved it and the best thing...they all followed the rules...quiet sneaking and they had to find them one at a time and walk back to me before they could go hunt for another shamrock.  It was amazing.

 Then it warmed up a little and we hit the driveway.

 Thank you, Amanda, for the new chalk!!!

Practice makes perfect.

I don't even want to know how this happened.

We played a game called Hunt and Search.  Numbers, letters, and shapes were on the driveway along with all the drawings of the morning.  Some of then were really hidden and you have to use your super owl eyes to find them.  Then we just go silly.

Not everyone can eat finder berries successfully.

This girl was a great help.  She sure does love her little brother and he worships the ground she walks on.

Carly Rae taught me this saying.  The rubber band is to make sure that you just get a drop instead of a glob that falls on the floor.


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