More Video Chats

I'm here to tell you that Mark Ellis has found his little corner for this virus.  For two and a half days he has called just about everyone in his contact list.  If he hasn't talked to them on the phone he has been on FaceTime.  Some of the people he hasn't talked to in 40 years!!  It has been a really great time for him to reconnect with classmates from high school and people he worked with at Circuit City.

This is Davi.  The son of our daughter in Brazil.  He is talking to Me in Milford, Saffi, Fiona, Ernie, and PJ in Hyde Park,  Ellis, and Alaire in Indiana and Pappy and he puppies in the family room.  This is the best thing since sliced bread.  Thanks, Emmy for setting it up!

Then we have the 'cousins.  Cheryl in Utah, Terry in WV, Nancy in WI and us in OH.  I wish I could have taken pics of every person that we have gotten to talk to.

Who knows who we will be talking to tomorrow because I don't think we are at the end of the contact list yet!


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