Wow, What A Day!

Connor is trying something  He wasn't too sure about it until there was a Wammy Tax involved.

A Wammy Tax is a shared piece of something that they don't want to eat or something they feel like sharing.  It is always the best thing I ever put in my mouth.  Usually, the 'trick' works.

Adi is so helpful.  She helped Papy feed Gabe while I was busy with the full table of yahoos.

Something new...felt letters on my quilt idea board.

Another one of their favorites.  A gentle reminder of what hands are for.

The kids at Eastside had so much fun with the Bingo dobbers that I had to get some.

WE did the same activity that we did on Sunday and they loved it!

We were able to make two crafts out of it.  One the large paper with a white heart in the middle that we are going to write on.

 The small heart will have their names on them so the boys can learn to recognize their names in print.

Ava spelling her name.  As of now her 'A' in MIA.

The drying line serves two purposes...drying and displaying.

Look who is standing and checking our the baby toys.

Gabe is making a quick getaway before the girls realize that he has something of theirs.

And then we have this...Jase took off his footed pj's because he put his little turtle down in the top t have a place to keep it so it wouldn't get lost.

I'm telling you that you jsut never know what is going to happen from minute to minute.


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