What A Week It Was

Jase and his puppy.

Connor doesn't like bananas (today) but he loves to eat circles.

This good Wammy.  Take picture for my mommy.

Love the hat and the shirt!  And he is the only little yahoo that can pull it off.

Asher's mom gave us some really cool snowman stuff that they love.  Adi was all over the shape snowmen.  And it must have been Thursday, better know as Pajama Day in Adi's world.

Teaching a whole new generation how to play Sardines!

We need a craft Wammy.  So Wammy goes to the closet and pulls out what is on top.

We got out the racecars for the first time this year.  Good thing we had a stash of AAA batteries.

Everyone gets a turn.  Levi wanted to play with the trucks instead.

Jase hard at work.

Connor reading one of our snow books all of his babies.

What a little stinker.  Someday he will say Wammy if I keep bugging him about it.

Jase taking a break.

Connor deciding he wanted to take a break too.  These two love to get in small places.  Like little hamsters.

Wakie, wakie, eggs and bakie!

Well maybe not.

This may sound terrible but somedays I love when naptime comes around and all I can hear is the constant ringing in my ears.

Levi's new way to eat lunch..mixed fruit and peas!

This girls makes me smile so much.  You just never know what is going to happen.  This is one of my favorites.


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