Gabe Is In, Levi Is Out

Gabe's regular babysitter has a really sick daughter and she had to close her Day Care.  We are back-up when that happens.  so Gabe is here.

And poor Levi has some gunk in his eyes, so he is out snuggling with mom.

Maybe if he reads a good book he will relax enough to go.  We are keeping our fingers crossed.

Oh, it was a big craft day.  Scissors and all.

I do not know when it happened because I was sitting right at the table beside him, but Connor managed to cut his shirt in three places.  I am so thankful that it wasn't his hair!

Gabe found our newest book.

We call it the milk coma.

Now, this truly is teamwork.

Getting ready for another nap.

Now that is what happens when you play hard all morning and have a full belly.


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