First Official Puppy Classes

It is official!  They are in Puppy Class.  Mark went the first night by himself (just for the two-legged students to get an overview).  The next week all four of us went and they did great.  There are nine other dogs in the class at all different ages and skill levels.  Beautiful dogs.  The girls did great.  They showed off a little bit with their sit and down, then coming when they were called.  Mark worked with Imogene and Gladys and I teamed up.  The next week we switched girls.  Kinda like raising twins again.  They worked hard again and Imogene was the instructor's helper.  
This puppy momma was so proud.  They are so stinkin' cute and smart.

We work so hard and they focus so hard that they are so tired when we get home so we snuggled on the couch.

It is a little hectic on Wed nights but we get it together and even get to class a little early.  It is really fun!  And they did so well!


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