Best Day Ever In So Many Ways

First things first...Gladys came in with SNOW n her back!  It snowed off and on all morning.  The girls loved it.  In and out, in and out!  There was a little snow on the ground all day but by the end of the day, it was all green again.  Boo

Finally, he wants me to take his picture.  That hat belonged to Christapher, one of our foster boys that lived with us in WI.

He loves that hat, today anyway.

Monkey see monkey do.

'Take a pic for my mom.'

There is a story behind this video.  Every morning before going out the door Connor's mom reminds him to make good choices.  Today was a stellar day.  Connor made a really great choice and then reminded Jase to do the same.  Jase still needed a little Wammy reminder.  Way to go Connor!  You need to listen really close.


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