60+ Degrees in February...Craziness!

The weatherman said it was going to be in the 60 today. We waited it out until about mid-morning in the basement...Kid Cave...for it to get warm enough outside for us to play.  It was going to be something we have never done...play all day in the backyard.  Everyone is now big enough to get around by themselves and play.

It's like having our own little reading librarian at Storytime!

This what we like to do now.

Levi reading to Pappy.

Boys repairing their trucks.

Oh no, something is broken.

A little yard work happening with lots of helpers.

The boys giving the goats some licorice treats.

Imogene looking at the camera for once.

Louie collected acorn tops.

Asher fed the goat all by himself...they are getting so independent.

Connor wants Binker to nibble the tip of his finger.  Adi kept telling him to get his finger out of there.

The boys playing in the leaves with the big yellow truck.

Man down!

Gladys keeping en eye on things.

Louie helping me collect all the sticks.


Trying out the new toy!

They were begging to come in.  We wore them out!!

After lunch, they could get to their beds fast enough.  But this is what I heard...

Now comes Wammyville's Funniest Videos

We played hard today because it is supposed to rain tomorrow and then snow the next day.  That means back in the basement we go.


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