Best Pups Ever

I think they have found their favorite toy so far.  Might need to get another one.

I wonder how much longer Gladys will fit into their toy box.

Oops caught you on the couch.

Sleepy time!

Imogene is a great nap taker.

And her sister is not far behind.

They really love each other.

So far there have been no-poo accidents in the house.  But they have had a few other accidents.  They almost come every time to their names, they sit really well.  It only took two days to master down.  They shake their little tailless bodies like crazy when they are happy.  Both have found their barks.  Gladys is a little more shrill.  Imogene is submissive while Gladys has a mind of her own.  So far so good.  Monday will tell the tale when the yahoos return to Wammyville.


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