In Honor of Hawk and FreshGround And The AT

If you have read anything on the blog about our experiences on the Appalachian Trail you will have heard me talk about Hawk.  I would suggest that you check out his videos on Youtube (Hawk Mains).  The man is a hiking al-star!  My family know that I love how he has shared his AT Thru-Hike.  I watched every step he posted.  So my son-in-law made me my own, original, one of a kind Hawk.  I love it!  I just need to find a yo-yo to complete.

My oldest granddaughter is painting pictures for our AT Memory Wall.  She is working on another watercolor to go with the one she painted for me for Christmas this year.  I have a LearFrog Cafe sign that I want to incorporate in honor of FreshGround (check him out of Facebook) and then a white blaze.  So it is a work in progress.  Then on another wall, I want to make a collage of our time on the trail.  The book is amazing also. It is from my Aunt and cousin.  Each page was cut individually.


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