Hot Sauce Challenge

We always do some sort of challenge while Ellis and Alaire are here over Christmas Break.  This year we made the annual Pilgrimage to Jungle Jim's, (their most favorite place on the planet) to scope out some new to us hot sauces.  If you know us or have ever seen the inside doors of our fridge, you know that we have lots and lots of sauces being the big winner.

Tikka Grill is one of our favorites.  It is inside Jungle Jim's right behind the cheese and in the alcoholic beverage section.  Ellis begins to do his research.

Then the hot sauce master steps in to help.

He's ready for a taste test.

His top three.

Let the competition begin.

And the big winner of the night is the Tapatio.

Then Maggie tried to help it step it up a notch.  Needless to say, there were no takers.


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