HAWK Support Team
I have wanted to do this for a long time. I watch all the daily videos Hawk posts. I have walked the AT with him through YouTube. It is the greatest thing ever!
I really wanted to have it on the trail so he could find it but he is walking so fast (a marathon or more every day).
I'm telling you this feat is amazing. He hikes from Georgia to Maine adding the Long Trail then he turned around and is on his way back to Georgia. Yesterday was day 123!
He has an army of supporters called the Hawk Support Team. The team does anything they can, trail magic, puts him up for the night, feeds him (that's another whole blog), sends encouraging notes, sends resupply boxes...
So we made ours and sent it. Today it should be delivered to Mountian Crossings in Neels Gap where he will have lunch. I'm keeping my fingers crosses that he will get it.
Before I go to bed each night I check YouTube under Hawk Mains or Craig Mains to hike with him through the day's sections. We get the views and end of the day recap. It is the best part of my day!
Saturday he will Summit at Springer Mountain. There are several people that want to hike to the end with him. He is asking that he gets a 10-minute head start so he can have some time alone at the plaque. It is going to be an emotional time for everyone! I wish I could be there because I know it will be a huge celebration!..FreshGround is even going to set up in the parking lot with some food for the celebration. (as he always does)
I can hardly wait!!!