Gabe, Our New Little Friend

First things first.  Wammy, I stuck!

You will notice a new little face.  He is our new friend Gabe.  He goes to our church.  His babysitter called in sick this morning and we are back-ups.  So Gabe got to come to Wammyville this morning while the girls were at preschool.  Worked out great.  The boys loved him and were very helpful.

I didn't know he could do so many tricks.

Levi practicing o be a firefighter someday like his daddy.

The boys got him 'baby toys'.

They read books to him.

They showed him how to play with some of the toys.

He got along so well!  Like he had been coming here all his life.

Then he got a little fussy so e went upstairs to Pappy's big comfy chair and snuggled.  Darn, somebody has to do it, right?

I still have it.

We share the couch.  Gabe got one end and I got the other.  But I didn't sleep I managed to get a few blogs written.

Then Gabe's mom picked him up after he had a bottle while watching the yahoos eat lunch.

And look at what Connor can do all by himself.  And he ate all of it too.

We all had a great day with Gabe.  Watching a little one is hard work says the boys.  I know this to be true because Connor slept until after 3:30!


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