Eastside Kids..JOY...In The Morning

WE had the best time last Sunday in class.  We took tower building to the next level.

This is how it is done.  It is great to be the first one in class.  You get to do it all by yourself ! (well, maybe with a little help.)

The class begins and the games are on!


Meanwhile, in the K-2 room, Ollie is getting a close-up!

And this is perfect timing...Joi, the teacher is teaching about joy while she is wearing a JOY t-shirt.

We had a little extra time in K-2 so we drew pics of what brings us joy...one of the most interesting was beavers!

We also talked about God being able to do the impossible.  Well, we did an impossible little trick.

The teachers were so full of JOY that had to share it with Abby!


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