Two Of My Favorites On The AT

My family calls me obsessed or a stalker but I can't help it.  I have watched Fresh Ground feed and provide Trail Magic for hikers from all over the place.  He lives out of his van and cooks like a crazy man on the side of the trail.  I first 'met' him when the Crawford family of 8 from just across the river in KY thru-hiked the AT last year.  We actually sat right behind Hawk in the AT Cafe in Maine this summer right before he summited Mt Katahdin.  I check on FG via Facebook and Hawk via his almost nightly Youtube videos.  He is doing a YO-YO ( hiked from GA to ME and then the next day turned around and headed SOBO back to GA.  Right now he is about 900+ miles from finishing that.  He has thru-hiked the AT I believe three times.

Love these guys.  They are the most upbeat positive people that I know.  Oh, the stories they tell.  Check them out.
Craig 'Hawk' Mains and Tim 'Fresh Ground' Davis


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