Things Fell Apart Today

What a day.  First, no delay, then sick kids, not enough snow for me...

This guy loves food.  And he is getting pretty fancy with his utensils.  But when you are in hurry hands are better!

Working on so many things today...following instructions, gluing, coloring, holding the crayons, shapes...It makes me tired just thinking about it.

Levi even got a turn.  And he didn't try to eat anything.  Usually, in this stage, he puts everything in his mouth.

He loves a good glue stick.

This is concentration.  And he can make a great circle.

All Connor cared about was a black crayon.

Ava came just in the nick of time.  She got her finished and then later in the day Levi got ahold of it so she had to make another one.

 Potty break and we had to check out the snow.

I'm thinking that he doesn't feel too good at this point.  He was asking to go to bed.

He ended up making a trip to the doctor's office...double ear infection and strep!  The bleaching begins.

Levi tried so hard to 'sleep-eat' with his spoon today at lunch.

Hopefully, Connor will be feeling better tomorrow and well enough to come back to Wammyville in a few days.  


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