A Week of Halloween

I love this banner.  I found it on Pinterest.

When the girls are at Preschool I can get the boys to sit for a sec and work on something.  Thanks, Kim for all the crafty Halloween things.

The boys get a chance to play with some of the things that the girls take over.

He's just chillin'.

He loves crunchy things.

Connor is doing a great job using a spoon and taking little bites.

And they are back!

She is working really hard on that name.

She loved the craft!

He's just stinkin' cute.



Doing a little preschool work with numbers today!

The made a book train.

Goofy kid!

They love a good toilet paper tube that they can add stickers to.

Asher got to craft with us today.

The driveway most usually looks like a crime scene with all the body tracing.

Levi is upset because we couldn't go out for our Halloween Parade to Ms. Jen's house.  Not to fear, Jen brought candy to us.

Waving at the kids on the school bus.  The bus driver honked and that was a really big thing.


Louie watched' a show' while I worked on church stuff.

Monster Day

Pulling out all the stops...every stitch of dress-up were pulled out and tried on.

We had one left for Carly Rae!


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