Hated To Leave But I'll Be Back

 We were up early packing because someone said it was going to rain in the afternoon.  I'd didn't want to get stuck hiking in the rain all uphill.  Thank you but no I'll be more safe than really sorry.

I forgot to take any shots of breakfast but I can tell you about it instead and maybe your mouth will still water...scrambled eggs that were so fluffy they were lighter than air and had a little garlic taste to them.  Some seriously flat crisp bacon and the biggest cathead biscuit I have ever seen!  And to go along with that carhead there was sorghum that took eons to come out of the special sorghum container that looked like a pinecone beehive thingie.  And some of the best cheesy grits that had about 10 ingredients in them.  I think Gregg might have used Audrey's recipe.  And as promised hot chocolate to go along with our coffee, OJ and water.

After breakfast we headed out up the mountain at 9:15am EST.  We were so focused and winded that I only took one picture.  And Mark had to make me take it.

We made it to the parking lot at 9:20am Central Time.  Not too shabby.  The only people that passed us were the three 20-year-old girls and their two dogs.

Here is a description of the trail...'

Charit Creek Trailhead
This steep 0.8-mile trail is the shortest way into Charit Creek Lodge.  Entering the forest from the parking lot, you will descend a wooden staircase to the base of the bluff.  The trail begins winds it's way down the steep hillside via switchbacks.  Cross the swinging bridge over Station Camp Creek and turn right on the graveled road leading to the lodge.

On the road once again...headed to who knows where.

I love the backroads!

First stop.

The leaves are just on the verge of changing.

A quick stop here because we were able to get our texts and email along with phone messages.  It seems like Michael isn't having a good Fall Break.  Emmy took him to Tire Discounters to get his tires checked because they are losing air.  Well, he needs all new tires.  Happy birthday tires to you.  Then we find out that he got cut at work and had to go to Urgent Care and they glue his cut on his finger together.  Guess we aren't in Kansas anymore.

I think we might be getting a little better with selfies.  I never can figure out where to look.

Tried a new technique on my phone.  Does the water look frothy to you?

Check out that reflection!  Sometimes I get lucky.

Pappy AKA Chihuahua's new hiker look.  He cracks me up!

One of the best birthdays on record for me.  I am so ready to go back every year to celebrate with my new friends in TN at Charit Creek Lodge.  I'm telling you I'd go back in a heartbeat.  That's my kind of trip.

Thanks, Pappy for watching all those YouTube videos and finding Charit Creek.  Thanks, Gregg and the staff for a wonderful and restful Fall Break!  Now to see if I can find you all on Facebook!


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