We Took A Nero

I think breakfast might be my favorite meal of the day.   But then so are the dinners.  Everything I put in my mouth has been delicious.  Some of them I would never consider eating but they are delicious here.  I guess I should broaden my horizons.  The kids and Mark will be glad to hear that.

veggie frittata
 maple-infused yogurt with homemade granola
homefries with onion and green pepper
OJ, water, and coffee

We had nine for breakfast today.

I stayed in the Lodge just a little bit longer this morning because I wanted to read the entries in the guest book.  I love reading what other people have to say.

Look at that sweet boy.  If I have my story straight he came with the lodge when Gregg took over.  He is a great dog.  Well-behaved and such a careful watchdog.

We have a small table and check out the cooler.  You might think it would hold ice...nope.  It is our very own person bear box.  Anything that smells sweet or and food needed to be stowed in there.  Don't want any wild animals (BEAR) to come sniffing around.

We took a 'Nero Day'.  Not really hiking a big hike but walking around the grounds and seeing what we could see at Charit Creek.  Stayed close to home.  Resting up for the trip out tomorrow morning.  

This is what I am calling the wood barn.  Lots of different kinds of woods are stored here.

The corncrib.  The cutest little cabin.  I'd come back to stay here.

One of the cabins.

Just standing and enjoying the view.  I could get really used to this view.  Can you imagine when the colors on the trees start bursting out?  It will be gorgeous.

I saw these tow spider web hammocks and thought of Ellis and Alaire.

This is something new!  Gregg has taken two of the horse stalls and made them into really cute little cabins.  A set of bunks and a propane heater.  If you ride your horse in you can stay here close to your horse for a minimal fee.  Or if you are hiking the Sheltowee Trace you can stay for $25 and leftovers.

old tombstones

We picked up our sack lunches and sat out on the sun porch and ate them.  Mine included a Snickers bar.

I think I found a new book.  And I also picked up 50 Places to Hike Before You Die.  We have managed to hike 4 out of 50.  Something tells me that I will never hike in Tanzania or Rwanda.

These are the bunks that are in our room.  And if you squint you can see the wood-burning stove in the shadows.

I had a bed and Pappy had a bed and it was great!

These are the barn cats that help around the Lodge.  That is their place to go to stay warm and dry (it has a huge chimney that keeps them warm when the fires are lit.)  They either go up and down the board catwalk or just climb up the logs alongside the doorframe.

We needed a little exercise after lunch so we played a little cornhole.  We tied in case you are wondering.

Just look at that form!

Things I need to find out about...the number of foggy days in August will predict the number of days of snow.  And what does it mean when you are planting in the sign of the feet.

Individual meatloaves
potato salad
corn with onions and peppers
Italian squash casserole
chocolate cake with chocolate icing topped with walnuts

Mark surprised all of us with a campfire with s'mores for my birthday.  These two crazies even made the fire for us so as not to give away the secret of who provided the goodies.

And they were delicious.  I even took notes as to other ways people make s'mores and I will be using that knowledge very soon.  It was great sitting around the campfire listening to camping and hiking stories.  There was even a promise made of hot chocolate to go along with breakfast in the morning.

Our last sleep before we have to head home!


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