One More Day

Cassie and her crew got to stay all day on Monday!  Maddie had lots of playmates.

And Alaire had lots of playmates.

Connor eating cucumbers and hummus.

Levi just cutting the blacktop.

Everyone got a chance to hang with Ellis and Alaire.

They thought it was great fun.

And maybe a little restful.

Ellis and Levi

 Levi wasn't too sure.

But these two loved it!

Jut hanging around waiting for the girls to get home from school.

That good morning fresh air is so good for afternoon naps and resting time.

We promised the girls turns in the hammocks when they got back from school.  The first thing they did was make a hammock banana.

They thought it was so funny.


Ellis and Alaire went to have lunch with Emmy and her crew.

But when they got back Alaire helped me make a video of how they get high in the hammocks.

Around 9pm Ellis, Alaire, and I got our sleeping bags and pillows and slept out under the stars...a little bit of ghetto cowboy camping.  The night was perfect.


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