Low Key Actual Day

Ali (Levi's Mom) made me a real fancy crown because she said I always make the kids a fancy crown for their birthdays.  I love it!

The gifts just keep coming.  Apple cinnamon scone not pictured because I ate it.

And a new sign for the house.  How appropriate!

I thought this was the sweetest thing.  They were on a school field trip.  Mrs. Bruce even let Cooper edit the shot before he sent it.

And wonder of wonders...someone wanted to sit on the potty!

Ava got to drive Pappy's truck up the driveway and that is a really big deal.

It has been an awesome birthday week!  I have learned many things...

  One being I will never in a million years eat all this chocolate!  (But I promise you I will give it my best shot.)
  If you eat lots of chocolate you might develop heartburn.
Reese's are best frozen.
65 is just a number.
I might move a little slower.
It takes a little bit longer to get moving in the morning.
I have the most awesome family and the greatest friends on the planet!!

Happy birthday to me!


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