It Pays To Straighten Up

Mark and I were out working in the yard early this morning while it was cool and before the football games started.  I decided to straighten up the Little Free Library.  

I took a few books out and added some others.  I'm always looking for a good book.  Lately, I have been listening to books while I am doing something else.  Multitasking after the yahoos leave.  There are so many books the shelf is sagging.  And that is a good thing!  There are several people that are donating books to the library.

I know this is crazy but sometimes I choose books by the covers.  I loved the look on this one!

I was checking this one out and found this!  I am so excited!!!  I don't want to wait to have to read it so I checked the audiobooks in Libby on my phone and found it!!!  So you will find me out in the yard doing some more yard work and listening to this book.

Thanks so much, Duffy Brown.


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