Family Fun Fest

This is our second year participating in this fun event for the community.  What a blast!

The auditorium was filled with crafts, games, inflatables. and representatives from several fun family activity places.

You never know who you will run into...

Or is the person you are looking at actually the person they look like?  Awesome job Stacia!

Betsy dressed as one of the Three Musketeers.  We passed out candy in the hallway upstairs.

Mark was Batman.

These guys were hard at work keeping some of the games going.

Love how she looks at him!

Which one is the real Jason?

Mark with his little princess, Adi.

Louie and Pappy

Pappy for two more princesses.

Oh, Betsy found the Queen of Halloween!

The Queen and her court.

Oh my!  We had so much fun.  Mark has already decided what he wants to be next year.

Love this little guys face in each pic.  Thanks for sharing it with me Ericka.

Shannon shared with me too.  this little cutie is her grand nephew.

A HUGE  THANK YOU to all the volunteers for your hours of hard work.  Thank you, staff, for making this happen.  Special thanks to Mike and Murph for setting the sanctuary back up with all those hundreds of chairs on Saturday.  

And thanks to the community for coming with all your dressed up little ones.  They were are adorable!


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