Big Hiking Day

We called today 'see your breath day' because you could see your breath.  The first time this year,
6 am trip to the potty was challenging...didn't want to leave the warm covers.  I got a REAL wake-up call when I sat down on the seat!

Coffee and the warm fire are ready every morning at 7am!  And the room is so beautiful.  This picture does not to it justice.  The table is set with mismatched china and Mason jars.  The water and orange juice are in wide-mouth Mason Jars.  Just perfect in my book.  Everything is family style.  And you never leave the table hungry!

scrambled eggs (I gave Mark mine)
cheesy grits that were to die for
pumpkin muffin
sausage patties
homemade granola with maple syrup infused yogurt
hot coffee...turned it into a mocha 
and because there were kids, hot chocolate

Lots of families were leaving today but because we were staying we got a sack lunch to take on our hike.  

The bathrooms.

Which way should we go?

These leaves are huge.  And you see them hanging brown and dead hanging for dear life to the branches or tons of them scattered on the ground.  I asked Gregg when we got back if he could identify the for me...of course, he could...big leaf magnolia.

We started our hike around 9:45.  It was still a little chilly but once you started walking uphill, you warmed up pretty quickly.

These ere our blazes.

Everything is just starting to change.

The rock formations are incredible.

One of the Arches.  I think it is the South Arch.  It is 103 feet tall.

Little caves everywhere.

I'm thinking I know two kids that would love running around and exploring here.

Some really cool stuff growing back in a worn-out spot.

Spider webs

More spider webs

Climbing our way to the top of the North Arch.

I think I have this right.  The arch is 93 feet tall, 62 feet wide and has a clearance of 51 feet.

More stairs!

Who needs to go to the gym when you can hike up mountains.

Just look at the view!

holly berries

A Big Leaf Magnolia dropping it's leaves.

Our Lunch
chicken 'sally' wrap or a hummus wrap
trail mix

We ate at the top, trailhead at a picnic table.  It was nice because there was a map and a pit potty.  Trail doesn't get any better than that!
I title this birth to the trail.  TMI?

We could have not ordered a more perfect day.

Rock House, I think.

Back down to the Twin Arches.

A little break before heading back.

Mark figures that we hiked around 4 miles.  I'll take it.

We made it back with no injuries and both of us with all of our body parts.  So we decided to explore Charit Creek.  I love these drying herbs.

A bear box for the brave souls that camp in the tree tents.  Not brave because there might be some wildlife in the area but brave because sleeping up in the air is freezing cold unless you have the right gear.

I'd love to try it!  Mark says go ahead I'll be in the lodge or cabin under the warm covers.  So maybe next trip we will have to do that.

If I had to describe it I would say that it is a trampoline stretched really tight between several trees.  The trampoline has a hole in the center that is used for the door.  Then there is a largish backpacking tent attached with a rain fly over it all.  I understand that you have to stand on the platform and stick your head inside and at the same time push yourself up while pulling down the hammock.  I am going to YouTube it and see how it works.

Hammocks down by the tree tents.

In the bathrooms.

dinner bells

Audrey, cook extraordinaire and 'hippie Gardner.  And also to my joy, a two or three-time Appalachian Trail thru-hiker!

We decided to take a load off and chill out in the cabin.  

This is my dream look for the log cabin I have built in my mind for many, many years.

I was trying to get Booger the dog on video.  When he hears the bell he knows that is it time to eat and he goes nuts.  Runs to the cabins like he is a scalded dog.  I think that is his way of helping get the guests u and moving because he knows that his food is on the way.

The video features Moss (her AT trail name)...she and Audrey (AKA Trail Magic) met on the AT. After their hikes were complete (Audrey submitting two days before Moss) Moss decided to visit Audrey where she found there was a job opening at Charit Creek Lodge and she never left.  I love these stories.

pork tenderloin
sweet potato casserole
green beans
baked apples
sweet tea, water

Found out that there were several people from the Cincinnati area.  One couple from Anderson Township (we lived there for 10 years).

While we were out hiking the staff made sure that whatever was making the stove 'smoke' was taken care of.  They fired that stove up on high all day long.  That made the cabin nice and toasty.  It took us about a nono-second to fall asleep!


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