A Call For Help

 We got a text asking if we could come to the ranch and help unload 250 bales of hay for the horses.  Sure no problem.  I sent out a text to recruit strong men.  I voluntold Michael he could help.  So off we went in the pouring rain.  While driving ther I got a text saying that some of the high school kids that needed volunteer hours would be there and we didn't have to come if we didn't want to.  Nope, I'm going.  Anything to go to the ranch and help and then see the horses.  I was dreading the rain.  But come to find out we wouldn't be getting wet.  They just drove the truck up to the barn and unloaded. (I got wet from sweating)

One by one they came off.  Let me just tell you I felt like a wimp the first five and then I sorta got into a rhythm.

Mark was the official counter.

Michael carried bales, help unload bales and swept to clean up.

It didn't take long at all.  Many hands make light work.

The crew!

There will be a return trip sometime soon because there are about 50 more bales ordered.

Look them up...
Redemption Ranch in Goshen
They are doing amazing things for troubled kids.


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