A Blustery Day

Someone doesn't like peas.  But the rule in Wammyville is that you have to take a no thank you bite.

Levi had finally mastered getting in and out of the cars.

Sometimes when you write with chalk on the garage door you are the one that needs to clean it off.

Remember that box that had 100 pieces of new chalk?  We have maybe 10 pieces left!  I love that they love to draw!

Makebelieve ship

This little mister fell and got a bloody knee.  It wasn't really bad enough for this big bandage but I couldn't find the band-aids.

I think he gave up on me and was taking himself to the doctor.  funny thing...he was going to the dr office.

Clean-up time with Pappy.

Another great day before the weather turns bad and we have to be in the basement.


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