This Week Was A Kind Of A Blur

It always messes me up when my week with the yahoos doesn't start out on a Monday.  This last Monday we had a day off Wammyville to spend at the biggie just our new normal.  And with that, I have the numbers/dates mixed up.  So pretty much this week has been a comedy of errors!

They love to erase drawings.  I did this one for Asher because he was having a bit of trouble this morning.

He just needed a few minutes to adjust.

And then he was off.

They literally will chalk on anything and everything.

Silly boys

Sometimes this one has a little drama for her momma.  But then we always send a big smile so her mom won't worry.  She's a stinker, this one.

Something different today...babies and strollers...or babies in wheelbarrows.

Ms. Renee gave us this stroller and the yahoos have been learning how to be patient and how to take turns.

I'm thinking this stroller once belonged to Carly Rae or Delaney.

Look Wammy...I match.

Conner taking a nap with some of the babies.

They are still enjoying the truck library.

Adi's turn in 'the nest'.

Levi actually can find the shapes.

He was not happy with me.  He is so slick.  Gets around that fence in no time.  So now you pay the price little buddy, just like the big kids.

Pappy, mean old Wammy put me in time-out!

I love you best Pappy.

You make me smile.

All smiles today.  I think we have gotten over the hump.


Sometimes you just need a little help from your friends.

I see you!

This boy loves a blanket!

Feeling a little under the weather.  Pappy to the rescue.

Just look at the difference some meds and a two-hour nap can do for you!


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