Kairos Family Cookie Bake #1 In The Books

Today the church doors at Eastside Christian Church were open for a cookie bake.  You ask what is that?

  Cookies can be bought by the box that contains 10 dozen cookies.  They run about $14 each.

Before everyone gets to the cookie bake tables need to be set up and the oven needs to be preheated.  Then the fun begins.

Two dozen frozen cookie dough pucks are places on the huge cookie sheets.

Then they are baked 10 trays at a time in the convection oven for 10 or so minutes.

The baked cookies are then cooled on tables along the walls.  There is a trick way to get all the cookies off in one sheet without losing a single crumb.  Come and join us next cookie bake and we will let you in on the little secret. 

Once the cookies are cooled they are stacked in stacks of four.  Then two dozen semi-warm yummy smelling cookies are placed in a gallon bag and sealed for freshness.

Murph then counts each bag as he puts them into banana boxes to be stored until they are taken to the prison.  Each box holds 24 dozen cookies.

Before the boxes leave the building they are prayed over.  Some people refer to them as Jesus cookies.

Today we baked 164 dozen cookies.  Another church added 68 dozen.  So today the total that was packed into Murph's van was 232 dozen cookies.  

So far out of Eastside Church, there have been 390 dozen cookies baked.

Thank you Eastside for letting us take over the kitchen.  We could not do it without your generosity.

So if you would like to help bake cookies but can't make a cookie bake here are the guidelines to use as you bake at home.

Bake cookies 2-3 inches in diameter.
Please do not include burnt cookies.
Cool cookies completely before bagging.
Count carefully.  Each bag should hold 2 dozen cookies.
Pray over the cookies.  

Please bring your cookies to Eastside by Sunday, October 6th.


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