Just Having A Good Day
Mark and I keep talking about how much the yahoos have changed since we were with them all last. I hope we aren't jinxing ourselves by saying that. They are actually a little easier this year.
They are figuring our there are other people to play with. And to get into things with.
Levi is growing like crazy. He is talking and eats everything in sight and then some.
Sometimes I think he thinks he as big as the other boys.
I know he knows how to get into things!
The girls love their time with friends at Preschool but they also love being in Wammyville.
Oh no...I see trouble brewing.
We use the pool as a barrier for Levi. He loves to walk to the front porch but that is against the rules. If I can't see you and you can't see me you must be somewhere you shouldn't be.
We have a good time that is for sure.