Cooler Morning

We talked to this poor little guy via Facetime.  He is running a really high fever and can't play with us.  So far he has missed two days in Wammyville.

Adi loading them up on the school bus.

Now she is reading Connor a book.

I guess this is one way to get out of the coupe.

This is one happy camper!  With chalk all over her face.

We call. him Bucket Head

Louie found the new chalk.

Ava announcing that she is here and the queen of the hill.

Louie really likes the new chalk and the holders.

Did she run out of gas?

I think this might have been when she began her downhill spiral.  She ended up with a big fever just like Jase.

Somebody is going to be in time-out.

Adi thought this was such a great thing.  Channeling her little brother.

Ate all of his blueberries but didn't touch the bread.  This is very not normal!

Snack time with Pappy.


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